Hi everyone
I am just posting to inform you that the current circulation that EBRC were working on over April and May has very recently been published in the usual place - ie on the decisions tab at https://www.uaebirding.com/ebrc (scroll down and click on red link on RHS). To all of you who found a rarity (or two!) and submitted the details, many thanks indeed.
This was a pretty complex set of records, both from an ID point of view and assessment of origins in several records, so I'd like to thank the committee for putting in a lot of time over this. All records have now been passed to Sandgrouse for publication in the next issue, which should be in August.
You will see from the spreadsheet on decisions noted above that some past records are outstanding. If you were an observer on one or more of these records, do please consider filling in a rare bird report form - this need only take minutes as only basic details are needed, at least in the case of well-photographed birds. Please see https://www.uaebirding.com/report for information on how to download and complete an RBR.
We will be contacting observers of outstanding reports in the next week or two to try and fill in any gaps and keep our archive as complete as possible. Other on-going work includes a summary of policy on records of potentially questionable origin - we hope to have this agreed and published on the website in the next few weeks. Finally, we have recently been able to source a number of very old, but significant records from the 1980s during some other work completed on the EBRC paper files. Most of these records were known about but descriptions etc were lacking and we have now been able to archive details on 15 or more very notable records, including several country firsts.
Best wishes and thanks again
OSCAR - on behalf of EBRC
Well done, chaps. Stellar work