Hi everyone
This is the last call for RBRs for the period up until mid October 2021. The next circulation will start the last week of October, with the aim of having all decisions collated and published on the website by early December, and sent to Sandgrouse mid December for publication in the first Sandgrouse volume of 2022 (usually released in February).
If you are lucky enough to have found a rare bird in the UAE in the last few months, please consider submitting an RBR - the form is fast and easy to fill in and, and can be downloaded from the link in red on the page at https://www.uaebirding.com/report. It says on the form exactly where to send it to.
Records requiring a description are listed in red below. And before Mark or Tommy jump on me, yes, mine are about to be sent in this evening...

The circulation will start on about 23 October. So if you find anything between now and then, and can get an RBR in quickly, we will, of course, very happily include that as well.
Thanks very much!
Oscar & EBRC