Ornithological Society of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia
OSME is the premium ornithological society in the Middle East and full details about it can be found on its website by clicking here.
Membership of OSME brings many benefits. As well as actively supporting bird conservation and research in the OSME region (which now stretches well beyond the Middle East – see map) you will also stay fully informed of work and developments via Sandgrouse, delivered twice a year. You can also follow OSME on Twitter: @_OSME
In recent years, the UAE has been consistently well-represented in Sandgrouse. Six-monthly summaries of key sightings and the most important recent EBRC decisions now appear in each issue. The work of many of our best photographers feature regularly – the current issue at the time of writing (August 2014) contains no less than fourteen images from four UAE-based photographers, plus an article on the first and second records of Pheasant-tailed Jacana in the country. And we predict a strong showing from the UAE in the next couple of upcoming issues as well – watch this space! Of course, contributions (articles or photographs) from anyone in the UAE are always welcome – consult a recent issue for an idea of the scope covered and style used.
Back issues of Sandgrouse are fully searchable online and all issues from Volumes 1 to 32 (up to 2010), plus several published supplements, are freely downloadable by clicking here.
There are many other useful links and resources on the OSME website. One particularly worth mentioning as a vital reference is the OSME Regional List (ORL), an authoritative and definitive list of birds that have occurred in the OSME region. The UAE’s very own Simon Aspinall was closely involved in the development of the ORL. The most recent update was published in June 2014 and a large amount of new taxonomic and distributional information has been incorporated. The ORL forms the basis for all country checklists within the OSME region, including, of course, the UAE.
We strongly recommend that you go take a look at what OSME offers. Read, learn, enjoy and contribute. And most of all, if you haven’t already, please consider joining. OSME currently has members in 56 countries so you will be amongst a diverse community of birders, ornithologists and conservationists .The fee is nominal and the benefits considerable – you won’t regret it!
A further resource administered by OSME is OSMEBirdNet which is an email discussion group covering birds and bird news in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia. To join send an empty email to:
Oscar Campbell & Nick Moran, September 2014

Hypocolius, Hypocolius ampelinus
This magical species, still of uncertain affinities, is much in demand by visiting birdwatchers. It is effectively an OSME endemic, with only small numbers of wintering birds outwith the region on the Indian subcontinent

White-cheeked Tern, Sterna repressa
The entire world population of White-cheeked Tern breeds in the OSME region and they are easy to find anywhere along the coast of the UAE in the summer months

Egyptian Nightjar, Caprimulgus aegyptius
The phenomenom of migration is obvious across the OSME migration. Migrant birds can - and do - turn up just about anywhere
The Egyptian Nightjar is also breeding in the OSME region
All images © Oscar Campbell